Employment Type : Full-Time
This job is with Ogilvy North America, an inclusive employer and a member of myGwork – the largest global platform for the LGBTQ business community. Please do not contact the recruiter directly. About Ogilvy Ogilvy has been creating impact for...
Employment Type : Full-Time
We highly value the contributions of experienced educators in our instructor community. Therefore, we require all applicants to: _ (1) showcase relevant teaching experience on your resume. (2) If you have a passion for education but...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Position: Animation and Tech Art Talent Pool At Ghostpunch Games, Part of the PTW family we work closely with our clients to develop high-impact projects in partnership with some of the industry's top...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Company Description Harold Jean-Louis, Inc. is part of a network that works on E-learning solutions. Within this network, employees get exposed to different industries and experiences. Industries that the teams will have...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About the job Animator Job brief We are seeking an Animator to gather our clients' requirements, and then meet exceed objectives through skilled storytelling and animations. Animators must be able to illustrate...