Beta Reader Jobs - How to Apply Online

You might have come across the word ''beta reader'' on several writing websites. Or, has someone asked you to become their beta reader? If yes, congratulations – it is a matter of honor to be the first one to read someone's creativity. 

A writer loves their beta reader because they help get the best out of the wordsmiths. The author entrusts the beta reader to provide honest feedback and then convert those feedback to make relevant changes in the writing. 


So, if this is the first time you hear the word beta reader, or even want to know details about being a beta reader, then you are at the right place. Today, we provide you the details of working as a beta reader and prime qualities of a good beta reader. 

What Are Beta Readers?

Beta readers are basically the test readers of unpublished literature or other writings. They are responsible for reviewing the finished manuscripts of the books before they are published. This helps the author receive proper feedback from the reader's point of view. 

The term ''Beta-reader'' is adapted from the software industry, where programmers release a beta version of any application to people who test it. These people find if there is any bug in the software and help to improve the software's usability before releasing the final version of the app.


Similar is the case with beta readers! They read your manuscript and tell you about the bugs so that you can improve the readability, usefulness, and even saleability. 

What Are the Duties of a Beta Reader?

As a beta reader, your primary duty is to identify the type and tone of the story that the author wants in the book. Once you understand the vision of the author, then you will be able to perfectly shape your feedback to enhance the writing. 

A beta reader is the author's extra set of eyes. The beta readers will have to highlight the areas that need improvement and focus on the development of the project. The beta readers will have to look for plot-holes, weak characters, awkward dialogues, vague descriptions, and issues hampering the overall reading material.


How to Become a Good Beta Reader

If anyone has asked you to become their beta reader, it is a matter of boundless honor. However, with that honor comes great responsibility. Similarly, if you are an author who is looking for a beta reader, you would want to prefer the ones with these qualities to gain the best results and killer feedback. 


Beta readers do not do any favor to the author by concealing the negative comments. When it comes to being a beta reader, you have to be brutally honest with the author. After all, the honest reviews and feedback help the author get something concrete and then build a better version of the book. 


General comments like ''I love it!'' and ''The plot is boring!'' are not going to help the authors. A good beta reader is supposed to be specific while providing comments and feedback. For instance, if you do not like a plot or a character, tell the author why you do not like it or what the plot is lacking. 

Identification of Author's Vision

As a beta reader, it is your duty to understand the vision of the author, rather than imposing your opinion onto the author's story. The duty is to help refine the writing and not impose one’s ideas. 

Average Pay of a Beta Reader

Most of the writers prefer to find beta readers among their close circles like family and friends. The main reason for this is the lack of budget. Therefore, most of the beta readers do not get paid for their services.

However, since the authors are using the services of a beta reader, they send a free copy of their finished book whether in the form of hard copy or an eBook version, as a sign of gratitude. Some authors also mention the names of beta readers in the 'Acknowledgement' section in the book. On the other side, there are professional beta readers as well, who can earn up to $82,500 per year on average. 

How to Work As a Beta Reader?

If you are active in any community that is even partially related to writing, you can often end up making connections to some writers. That is one way you can begin working as a beta reader. 

There are also many online platforms where you can find beta reading jobs, like and In these sites, freelance beta readers can bid for the jobs of freelancers for self-publishing authors or traditional-publishing authors.


A beta reader is an extremely responsible job to perform. You will have to read the book from the readers' points of view and give feedback based on your reading experience. It is also a great opportunity because you will be getting to read the writings of the author before others get the chance.

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