Can You Make Money On SoundCloud? - Find Out How To Make Extra Money At Home

Getting paid for creativity has been an issue that has plagued a number of musicians for years. Most of the time, they weren’t sure if they’d get any sort of compensation for their efforts once their art hit certain platforms. But now they can make money on SoundCloud.

SoundCloud is one of the platforms where independent musicians can post their art and get compensated for it. The platform went further to launch a direct monetization program that is available by invite only. This program is known as SoundCloud Premier.


And, since the platform is all about independent artists and their art, you now have a chance to earn money from it as an independent artist. There are some limitations, but it makes it easier to make money from SoundCloud. Here’s how you can make money.

make money on soundcloud

You Get 55% Share Of The Revenue

You should be compensated the most from your art, and SoundCloud does just that. For your song’s revenues, you get 55% of the income. With that, SoundCloud gets 45%. That leaves you, as the musician, with the lion’s share of the revenue.


Income Is Dependent On SoundCloud Revenue

SoundCloud is a business like any other in the market; if they don’t make any money, you too won’t make any money from them. The more they make on subscriptions and ads, the better your pay will be. So, you will want to attract people to the platform.

Available For A Certain Set Of Artists

This may be the biggest challenge that you have when it comes to earning with SoundCloud. Your song needs to have played at least 5,000 times in the past month before you can get a share of the revenue.

This then goes further to state that the song should have been played in countries where SoundCloud subscriptions are available. That, in essence, rules out a number of countries that you can get millions of listeners from.


Sell Music On SoundCloud

Your listeners don’t just have to stream the music online through SoundCloud; they can choose to buy your music as well. Now, this is where you can make good money. All you need to do is set up a Sellfy store and start selling your art.

You can easily set up a Sellfy store by going to the Sellfy website and following the simple instructions there. All you need to have is an email address and you’re all set to start selling music in a matter of time.

The next thing you need to do is add links to your SoundCloud profile. You’ll have your buy link just under your bio on SoundCloud. So the listeners who’d like to buy that track can easily do so.

You can then use other channels to promote your shop, hence boosting your sales on SoundCloud. If you want to get down to statistics, you’ll find out that up to 62% of listeners on SoundCloud are likely to buy music.

You just don’t have to wait for them to make a choice, you can sway their decision. How about promoting your buy link on numerous social networking sites? Social networks have become some of the best selling platforms online today.

And the good thing about social networks is that they have a ready market all the time. All the people who are following you on the various networks are obviously your fans. As such, they are more likely to buy than people who know nothing about your music.

make money on soundcloud


You no longer have to leave your home to make money as a musician. All you need to do is learn how you can monetize SoundCloud and you’re good to go. This has been a simple idea of how you can do just that from home and make money.

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