Medical Assistant Jobs - How to Apply Today

Medical assistant jobs are not difficult to find if you are qualified. If you are looking at building your medical career, then being a medical assistant is a good first step. Then keep in the circles of people you want to work with. That way, you will learn a few things from them and even get referrals.

People are always falling sick, epidemics breaking out, etc. Those who are already employed are constantly looking for greener pastures. In some hospitals, their doctors are already overwhelmed by big patient numbers. Therefore, there is always room for a medical assistant.


You want to find out more on how to land a medical assistant Job? Read on to find out what it takes and whether you qualify for this kind of job.

Medical Assistant Jobs - How to Apply Today

Excel During an Internship

If you are still a student, ensure you ace your internship, if you're taking one. Let your supervisors feel like they can’t afford to let you go. It’s at this stage that your supervisors and potential employees notice you. 

Display your positive traits, such as good interpersonal skills, willingness to learn, and self-motivation. Make a lasting impression. 


Even if they don’t hire you, they can refer you or give you a good recommendation. Also, chances are high that someone will notice you and alert you in case of a vacancy somewhere.

Look for Alternative Ways In

Sometimes getting the exact position you want might be hard. Employers want experience. But how can we get experience if we are not hired in the first place? 

Being innovative in this case will help a great deal. You can opt for medical-assisting related fields. Or if there is an opening for a front desk job in a medical office, apply for it. Start from there and you never know, you might climb the ladder to the office you want.


Let People Know

Avail yourself for medical meetings and conferences. When there, let whoever cares to listen know that you are looking for a job. Give them your business card or contact information. 

Also, let your former school mates know you are employed. Tell them you are available for any gigs or volunteering opportunities in the medical field.

Search Online

Find out on different medical facilities’ websites for any openings. Also, there are classified ads for jobs, subscribe to them. Social media is another platform that can help you get your first job. 

Keep searching online and you can even google for "medical assistant job openings". Alternatively you can upload your resume on sites, such as Indeed, LinkedIn, etc. Turn the notification button on. They will notify you in case of ads for jobs that you qualify for.

Organize Your Credentials

Have your resume ready and updated. Include all certifications you may have acquired after university. Emphasize your strong points and any skills you may possess. For instance, on top of your medical assistant degree, you could be a good administrator, counselor, typist, etc. 

Let them know that you are versatile. This way, you will be an asset to their facility since you can multitask. Include all information and other skills on your resume. You can also learn how to format a cover letter.

Applying Online

When you apply online, format your email professionally. Don’t be too wordy. Be specific and focus on scanned attachments. There is a possibility of forgetting to attach documents after saying “attached below”. 

Always cross check your emails 2-3 times before hitting the "submit" button. You can also read through aloud to rule out grammatical errors.

Showing Up for the Interview

Medical Assistant Jobs - How to Apply Today

When they call you for an interview, you will want to impress the employer. Dress up appropriately. Ensure your hair is combed, cloths pressed and if possible, keep away from jeans and t-shirts. Dress formally. 


After interviews, you can send a follow-up message. You can thank them for interviewing you, and keep checking your email for any feedback. Also, before you leave the interview room, you can ask when to expect feedback. There are lots of opportunities for medical assistants in the field today. 

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