How To Improve Your Performance Levels With Vitamin C

If you arem\t getting enough Vitamin C, you are seriously reducing your performance levels. It is essential that you get enough of your body's necessary vitamins and minerals, as they are crucial for optimal mental and physical health.

Also, if you have a deficiency in any of the vitamins and minerals mentioned in this article, you are leaving a lot of success potential on the table. Perhaps worse, cognitive loss, reduced energy levels, and even depression may potentially result from a deficiency.


Therefore, if you are trying to enhance your attention & concentration, levels of efficiency, and learning skills, you must supplement. For years now, vitamin C has been widely regarded as essential to health. Let's get into what you need to know.

How To Improve Your Performance Levels With Vitamin C
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What Is Vitamin C for? 

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is one of the vitamins with the highest water solubility. It is essential for the biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine, and neurotransmitters. For their needs, most plants and animals synthesize ascorbic acid.

However, for lack of an enzyme called gluconolactone, oxidase apes and humans can not synthesize ascorbic acid.


How Can It Help You?

It's Packed with Antioxidants

Antioxidants work by stabilizing and mopping up free radicals to protect the cells and limit the damage. Thus vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene may help keep the body healthier and protect it against conditions that threaten dangerous life.

Studies show that more vitamin C will increase the levels of antioxidants in your blood by up to 30%. This helps to combat inflammation through the normal defenses of the body. 

Oxidative stress and free radicals predominate during exercise due to its extreme nature and its impact on the body. Exercise-induced oxidative stress is higher for people with lower levels of vitamin C.


We would then conclude that you will supplement with vitamin C if you are already exercising and engaged in rigorous physical exercises to avoid the harmful effects of free radicals.

It Helps To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Since vitamin C is water-soluble, it also serves as a diuretic that allows the kidneys to absorb more sodium and water from the body. That helps to relax the walls of the blood vessel and thereby lower blood pressure.

Lower blood pressure also means you have less risk of getting a stroke and improved cardiovascular health, which is especially important today because more people are suffering from cardiovascular disease.

It Boosts Your Immune System

We've also heard about how vitamin C prevents curable diseases like scurvy and how it battles a variety of illnesses. As a result, it improves your immunity, and conditions like colds and flu have been found to stave off.

Studies show that vitamin C is essential to stimulate the immune system by enhancing the organism's strength and defense. This is primarily for immunity and general wellbeing, due to its role in reducing inflammation.

Finally, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, reduces the severity of allergic reactions, and helps prevent infections. When you want to stay fit and safe, then it should be a priority to add more vitamin C to your diet.

It Helps Maintain Beautiful Skin And Hair

If you want smoother skin and better hair then vitamin C plays an essential role in making it happen. Vitamin C helps to create the protein collagen and, combined with the above-mentioned iron absorption, not only do you have healthy skin and hair, but you will keep it.

Collagen is a bit of a buzzword today but instead, avoid supplements and eat collagen-rich foods like berries and high in omega-3 foods like avocados and salmon. Along with your diet for vitamin C, you should always maintain your natural beauty.

Assists In Weight Loss

Everyone wants to either lose weight, gain muscle or sustain where they are right now, and sometimes it's tough, and you need that little bit of extra to support. Well, you will try to increase your consumption of sweet potatoes and citrus fruits, alongside your healthy diet and exercise routine.

Studies have shown that the status of vitamin C is inversely related to body mass. Individuals with an adequate state of vitamin C oxidize 30 percent more fat during a moderate exercise cycle than individuals with an inferior status of vitamin C.

Therefore, individuals with deficient vitamin C may be more resistant to fat mass loss. In short, if your vitamin C levels are high, you will be getting the most out of your fat-burning workout.

Vitamin C

Improve Performance With Vitamin C Conclusion

Vitamin C is an essential part of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine development cycle. Norepinephrine regulates behavior related to attention and reaction. Vitamin C will also indirectly allow you to concentrate better and reduce stress on your cells.

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