HELP WANTED ATA i s seek ing qualified applicants for the position of Accountant ; re- sponsible for a variety of account- ing/fiscal functions i n c l u d i n g c a s h management, ac- c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e / p a y - ables, cost alloca- tion, monthly ac- count reconc i l i - ations, data/statist- ical validation and management, fin- ancial report ing, and f ixed asset management . The person must demonstrate excel- lent account ing, analytical and com- munication skills, preferably having w o r k e d f o r a public/government- al entity. A bachel- or's degree in ac- coun t i ng i s r e - qu i red and 1 -2 years' accounting exper ience pre- fer red. Interested applic- ants may submit a resume to the Area Transpor ta t ion A u t h o r i t y , 4 4 Transpor ta t ion Center, Johnson- burg, PA. 15845, or email to vk-
[email protected]. Please call ATA at (814) ###-#### to request an employ- ment application or app ly on l i ne a t ATA will accept re- sumes/applications until the position is filled. The Area Trans- portation Authority is actively seeking minority and/or fe- male app l icants and is an Equal Op- portunity Employer. JobiqoTJN. Category: Finance, Keywords: Accountant