Title: Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks Location: Albany, NY Work Requirements Work tasks include but are not limited to the following, listed in order of importance:
- confirming checks are filled out correctly/completely
- grouping tax bill payment stubs and payment checks
- data lookups
- data entry
- processing tax payments
- preparing bank deposits
- printing of receipts
- reconciling bank deposits to batch reports
Experience and proficiency of using an adding machine with a tape is very helpful. The work consists of manually processing mail and posting payments to an in-house tax collection application, so no specific software experience is required. This person will batch and process around 300 payments daily throughout the entire project. Because of the time sensitive nature of school tax collection, this work is very fast paced and intense. Applicants must be able to handle the demands of the work environment. We provide training on the first day and documentation with visual aids. Some soft skills that candidates should have to succeed in this role: focus, calm, ability to follow written instruction for guidance, confidence to ask questions, appreciation for arrival time and attendance. Applicants are required to have reliable transportation. There is no bus service directly to the work site. The closest CDTA bus stops are at Albany International Airport and Shaker Place Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, both approximately 1 mile from 900 Watervliet Shaker Road. There is free parking adjacent to the 900 building. There is no opportunity for remote work. All applicants will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement due to the nature of the documents being handled. The shift days and times are firm, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, with a half hour unpaid lunch. There is no opportunity for change. For more info please refer to attachments