Job Location : Susanville,CA, USA
Vector Marketing is looking to fill part time positions. Our sales representatives present Cutco to both new and existing customers through one on one appointments. We offer a minimum base pay so our reps don't feel pressured to make a sale - instead we ask them to focus on providing excellent service to our customers. We believe the quality of the product speaks for itself.
We provide flexible schedules for anyone looking to make some extra income around their current work schedule, family obligations, or classes.
What we offer:
What we require:
What makes a good candidate: This entry level position is a good fit for people who are looking to supplement their current work schedule. Whether you work as a receptionist, cashier, fast food, server, or in retail – we can help work around your busy schedule. If you are a student looking to work around classes or need a flexible schedule this winter break, our opportunities can work around your needs. It doesn't matter if you have a Bachelors Degree, an Associates Degree, or no degree at all – we can train you to do well with us. We encourage applicants of all ages and experience, as we do not discriminate on the basis of an applicant's age.
People who do well with us have experience in just about every field you can imagine - customer service, stocked shelves in a warehouse, as a waiter or waitress at a restaurant, administrative assistant, in a call center, temp job, cashier, communications…
And yes – this means our training is so good that if your previous work was as a barista, a line cook, a cashier, or stocking shelves, you can do well here.