STS Systems Support, LLC (SSS) is currently seeking a highly motivated International ISR Instructor with prior 1A8x1/1A8x2 or experience as an airborne ISR Operator/Airborne ISR Sensor Operator with Imagery and FMV sensors to assist in Intelligence/ISR-related skills training, Training needs assessments, courseware development, and technology transfer required by multiple Partner Nations presented under the auspices of AETC's Security Assistance Training Program. The instructor should have the experience and communication skills necessary to provide a thorough understanding of ISR-related skills included, but not limited to the following:
- Core/Foundational Intel/ISR skills
- Operational Intelligence
- Targeting and Weaponeering
- Battle Damage Assessment
- Collateral Damage Estimation
- Precision Point Mensuration
- Target Point Mensuration
- Intelligence Support To Manned And Remotely Piloted Aircraft Unit Operations
- Imagery/Geospatial Analysis
- ISR Operations/Campaign Planning
- Intel/ISR Force Development and Management
- Processing, Exploitation, Dissemination
- Collection Management
- Intel/ISR-Centric Exercise Planning and Management
- Operational use/maintenance of Intel/ISR-related systems
- ISR Support to Air to Ground Integration (AGI)
- ISR Support to Cyber
Basic Qualifications: - Graduate of a U.S. military Basic Instructor Course with operational and instructional skills comparable to the craftsman level USAF 7-skill level equivalent with at least three years' experience as an Air Force Intelligence Instructor; (OR)
- (OR) Served as an Intelligence professional with at least seven years of total military service in the intelligence career field
- Have the experience and communication skills necessary to provide a thorough understanding of the training objectives.
Preferred Qualifications: - Prior 1A8x1/1A8x2 or prior experience as an airborne ISR Operator/Airborne ISR Sensor Operator with Imagery and FMV sensors.
- Three years of operational or tactical experience providing ISR/PED support to Conventional and Unconventional forces/Operations
- Understanding of PED/DCGS operations, AOC operations, nodes, and positional responsibilities
- Knowledge of all of the following:
Analysis Collection Integration Targeting
- Intelligence Disciplines:
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Measurements and Signatures Intelligence (MASINT) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Technical Intelligence (TECHINT)
- Cross-Functional:
- Airborne ISR (manned and Unmanned)
- Force Protection
- Special Operations Forces (SOF)
- Dynamic targeting/Kill-chain