Job Location : Saint Louis,MO, USA
M:STL- Beyond School Associate
Mission: St. Louis Beyond School is an expanded learning opportunity embedded at partner schools sites bringing in-school needs with after-school support. The goal of Beyond School is to prepare students to enter high school with the social, emotional, and academic tools needed to be successful while in high school and beyond. We focus on individual academic support, intentional social/emotional learning, community engagement, and enrichment experiences. Further help on this page can be found by clicking here.
Member Duties : The Associate ACM position is responsible for helping to create and implement a high quality Beyond School Program. This in-office/in-person, part-time position requires someone who is skilled not only with communication, scheduling, and logistics, but also is able to connect with students and families, alike. The primary focus of the Associate's work with scholars revolves around the scholars' academic and social/emotional growth and getting them to cultivate habits that will result in life-long success. They must be able to respond with positive, appropriate behavior, even in frustrating situations with at-risk youth. The Associate reports to the Beyond School Site Coordinator. This person must be willing to take direction, voice ideas in a respectful manner, and function as a team member with other Beyond School team members.
Program Benefits : Education award upon successful completion of service , Training , Relocation Allowance , Living Allowance .
Terms :
Permits attendance at school during off hours , Permits working at another job during off hours , Car recommended .
Service Areas :
Education , Children/Youth .
Skills :
Education , Teaching/Tutoring , Youth Development , Team Work .