About this job:We are looking to hire a compassionate, private in-home caregiver to provide non-medical senior care and companionship in San Ramon, California for a woman in their 80s.
Hours: 10-20 of hours per week
Start Date: Immediately
Pay rate: $25.00 per hour
We're looking for help with: - Additional needs may include memory care or working with specialized equipment. We'll discuss these in more detail at the interview.
Hiring info:This job has been posted by a family looking to hire a caregiver privately using Herewith, a free online platform that makes getting hired and paid as a private caregiver fast and easy. Plus, when you find clients through Herewith, you'll be covered by free professional liability insurance and workers' comp.
To apply for this job: Click the
Apply button on this page, create your free Herewith profile (including a free background check), and then get interviewed and hired directly by clients. Once you've created your Herewith profile, continue to browse jobs posted in your area and apply instantly with the tap of a button.View this job posting directly on HerewithLearn more about Herewith at herewith.com/caregiving