Preschool Teacher - Allen County Schools : Job Details

Preschool Teacher

Allen County Schools

Job Location : Scottsville,KY, USA

Posted on : 2025-03-04T14:01:58Z

Job Description :
Position Type: ACPC/Pre-School teacher Date Posted: 2/24/2025 Location: Allen County Primary Center Allen County Primary Center Preschool Teacher Immediate Supervisor: Principal Appointment: Teachers shall be appointed annually, upon the recommendation of the Principal to the Superintendent. Qualifications:
  • Shall hold a bachelor's degree or higher and the required Kentucky certificate for the assigned position
  • Shall demonstrate the ability to work effectively with students, peers and adults.
  • Shall demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with students, parents and faculty.
  • Job Goal: To help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that society feels will contribute to their development into mature, able and responsible men and women. General Duties and Performance Responsibilities:
  • Shall determine appropriate action within clearly defined guidelines.
  • Shall present a positive image of the school to parents, and convey to them the school's genuine concern with the education, growth and development of each student.
  • Shall seek to establish friendly and cooperative partnerships between home and school.
  • Shall work to develop a positive public relationship between the school district and the community.
  • Shall carry out assignments in a timely manner without undue checking.
  • Shall react positively to directives.
  • Shall have a willingness to cooperate with the superintendent, district administrators, principals, and staff.
  • Shall maintain the confidentiality, both verbally and in written form, of each student's educational record.
  • Shall strive to maintain and improve professional competence.
  • Shall take necessary precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.
  • Shall adhere to the School Board of Education Policies and Procedures.
  • Specific Duties and Performance Responsibilities: Demonstrates Professional Leadership
  • Shall build positive relationships with and between school and community.
  • Shall promote leadership potential in colleagues.
  • Shall participate in professional organizations and activities.
  • Shall write and speak effectively.
  • Shall contribute to the professional knowledge and expertise about teaching and learning.
  • Shall guide the development of curriculum and instructional materials.
  • Shall participate in policy design and development at the local school, within professional organizations, and/or within community organizations with educationally related activities.
  • Shall initiate and develop educational projects and programs.
  • Shall effective listening, conflict resolution, and group-facilitation skills as a team member.
  • Demonstrates Knowledge of Content
  • Shall communicate a breadth of content knowledge across the discipline(s) to be taught.
  • Shall communicate a current knowledge of the discipline(s) taught.
  • Shall demonstrate a general knowledge that allows for the integration of ideas and information across the disciplines.
  • Shall demonstrate an overall knowledge of one's discipline(s) that allows the teacher to teach to the student's ability levels and learning styles.
  • Shall connect content knowledge to real-world applications.
  • Shall plan lessons and develop instructional material that reflects knowledge of current constructs and principles of the discipline(s) being taught.
  • Shall analyze sources of factual information for accuracy.
  • Shall present content in a manner that reflects sensitivity to a multicultural and global perspective.
  • Shall collaborate with teachers in other disciplines to analyze and structure cross-disciplinary approaches to instruction.
  • Designs/Plan Instruction
  • Shall focus instruction on one or more of Kentucky's learning goals and academic expectations.
  • Shall develop instruction that requires students to apply knowledge, skills, and thinking processes.
  • Shall integrate skills, thinking processes, and content across disciplines.
  • Shall create and utilize learning experiences that challenge, motivate and actively involve the learner.
  • Shall create and use learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate for learners.
  • Shall develop and incorporate strategies that address physical, social, and cultural and that show sensitivity to differences.
  • Shall arrange the physical classroom to support the types of teaching and learning that are to occur.
  • Shall include creative and appropriate use of technologies (e.g., audiovisual equipment, computers, lab equipment, etc.) to improve student learning.
  • Shall develop and implement appropriate assessment processes.
  • Shall secure and use a variety of appropriate school and community resources to support learning.
  • Shall develop and incorporate learning experiences that encourage students to be adaptable, flexible, resourceful, and creative.
  • Shall use the knowledge acquired from past teaching experiences to anticipate instructional challenges.
  • Creates/Maintains Learning Climate
  • Shall communicate with and challenge students in a supportive manner and provides students with constructive feedback.
  • Shall show consistent sensitivity to individuals and respond to students objectively.
  • Shall maintain positive classroom interaction by establishing appropriate expectations during group activities.
  • Shall show flexibility and creativity in the development of classroom processes and instructional procedures.
  • Shall locate and organize materials and equipment to create an enriched multimedia environment.
  • Shall encourage and support individual and group inquiry.
  • Shall use a variety of classroom management techniques that foster individual responsibility and cooperation.
  • Shall analyze and change the classroom to accommodate a variety of instructional strategies.
  • Shall work with colleagues to develop an effective learning climate within the school.
  • Implements/Manages Instruction
  • Shall communicate specific goals and high expectations for learning.
  • Shall connect learning with student's prior knowledge, experiences and backgrounds, and aspirations for future roles.
  • Shall model/demonstrate the skills, concepts, attributes, and/or thinking processes to be learned.
  • Shall use and develop multiple teaching/learning strategies that are appropriate to student developmental levels and actively engages students in individual and cooperative learning experiences.
  • Shall provide opportunities for students to increase their knowledge of cultural similarities and differences.
  • Shall stimulate students to reflect on their own ideas and those of others.
  • Shall use appropriate questioning strategies to help students solve problems and think critically.
  • Shall manage student examination of social issues relative to course content, possible responses, and associated consequences.
  • Shall demonstrate interpersonal/team membership skills and supportive behavior with students in facilitating instruction.
  • Shall present differing viewpoints when integrating knowledge and experiences across disciplines.
  • Shall make effective use of media and technologies.
  • Shall make efficient use of physical and human resources and time.
  • Shall provide opportunities for students to use and practice what is learned.
  • Shall identify student misconceptions; provide guidance; and offer students continuous feedback on progress toward expectations.
  • Assesses and Communicates Learning Results
  • Shall select and use appropriate assessments.
  • Shall make appropriate provisions for assessment processes that address social, cultural, and physical diversity.
  • Shall assess student performance using the established criteria and scoring guides consistent with Kentucky's assessment program.
  • Shall provide opportunities for students to assess and improve their performance based on prior assessment results.
  • Shall collect and analyze assessment data and maintain up-to-date records of student progress, using technologies as appropriate.
  • Shall communicate expectations, criteria for assessment, student progress, and student strengths and weaknesses to parents and students.
  • Reflects/Evaluates Teaching/Learning
  • Shall assess and analyze the effectiveness of instruction.
  • Shall make appropriate changes to instruction based upon feedback, reflection, and assessment results.
  • Shall assess programs and curricula; proposes appropriate recommendations and needed adjustments.
  • Collaborates with Colleagues/Parents/Others
  • Shall initiate collaboration with others and create situations where collaboration with others will enhance student learning.
  • Shall discuss with parents, students, and others the purpose and scope of the collaborative effort.
  • Shall articulate expectations for each collaborative event, e.g., timelines and responsibilities.
  • Shall demonstrate productive leadership and team membership skills that facilitate the development of mutually beneficial goals, e.g., issue and conflict resolution.
  • Shall secure and make use of school and community resources that present differing viewpoints.
  • Shall recognize and respond appropriately to differences in abilities, contributions, and social and cultural backgrounds.
  • Shall invite colleagues, parents, community representatives, and others to help design and implement collaborative instructional projects.
  • Shall analyze previous collaborative experiences to improve future experiences.
  • Shall assess students' special needs and collaborates with school services and community agencies to meet those needs.
  • Engages in Professional Development
  • Shall establishes priorities for professional growth.
  • Shall analyze student performance to help identify professional development needs.
  • Shall solicit input from others in the creation of individual professional development plans.
  • Shall apply to instruction the knowledge, skills, and processes acquired through professional development.
  • Shall modify own professional development plan to improve instructional performance and to promote student learning.
  • Demonstrates Implementation of Technology
  • Shall operate a multimedia computer and peripherals to install and use a variety of software.
  • Shall use terminology related to computers and technology appropriately in written and verbal communication.
  • Shall demonstrate knowledge of the use of technology in business, industry, and society.
  • Shall demonstrates basic knowledge of computer/peripheral parts and attends to simple connections and installations.
  • Shall create multimedia presentations using scanners, digital cameras, and video cameras.
  • Shall use the computer to do word processing, create databases and spreadsheets, access electronic mail and the Internet, make presentations, and use other emerging technologies to enhance professional productivity and support instruction.
  • Shall use computers and other technologies such as interactive instruction, audio/video conferencing, and other distance learning applications to enhance professional productivity and support instruction.
  • Shall request and use appropriate assistive and adaptive devices for students with special needs.
  • Shall design lessons that use technology to address diverse student needs and learning styles.
  • Shall practice equitable and legal use of computers and technology in professional activities.
  • Shall facilitate the lifelong learning of self and others through the use of technology.
  • Shall explore, use, and evaluate technology resources: software, applications, and related documentation.
  • Shall apply research-based instructional practices that use computers and other technology.
  • Shall use computers and other technology for individual, small group, and large group learning activities.
  • Shall use technology to support multiple assessments of student learning.
  • Shall instruct and supervise students in the ethical and legal use of technology.
  • All classified employees assigned to classroom instructors shall be under the direction and supervision of the certified employee in charge in that classroom.
  • Shall perform other duties related to the position as assigned by the Principal.
  • Days of Employment Up to 186 days Terms of Employment: Basic contract is for the minimum school term as reflected in the school calendar for the current year with the salary determined by the District Board-approved salary schedule. Additional duties may be assigned with increments for them determined by the District Board-approved Extra Service Schedule. Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Certified Personnel.
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