JOB DESCRIPTIONTITLE: Substitute Certified TeacherQUALIFICATIONS: Must have at least 64 college credit hours with a 2.5 GPA and obtain a TC-4 certification or be a retired teacher. REPORTS TO: PrincipalJOB GOAL: To help students learn subject matter and/or skills that will contribute to their development as mature, able, and responsible men and women.PERFORMANCE RESPONISIBILITIES:
- Strives to implement by instruction and action the district's philosophy of education and instructional goals and objectives.
- Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students, and shows written evidence of preparation.
- Guides the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and, in harmony with the goals, established clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects, and communicates these objectives to students.
- Employs a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media, consistent with the physical limitations of the location provided and the needs and capabilities of the individuals or student groups involved.
- Seeks to develop and maintain a classroom environment conducive to effective learning within the limits of the resources provided by the district.
- Evaluates student progress on a regular basis and provides progress reports.
- Assists the administration in implementing all policies and/or rules governing student life and conduct.
- Develops, with student input, reasonable rules of' classroom behavior and procedure and maintains order in the classroom in a fair and just manner.
- Takes necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.
- Maintains accurate and complete records as required by law, district policy, and administrative regulation.
- Attends staff meetings and serves on staff committees as required.
- Cooperates with other members of the staff in planning instructional goals, objectives, and methods.
- Accepts a share of responsibility for co-curricular activities as assigned.
- Assists in the selection of books, equipment, and other instructional materials.
- Plans and supervises purposeful assignments for student teachers, Special Education student teachers, and teacher aide(s), when applicable, and in cooperation with department heads evaluates their job performance.
- Encourages the participation of volunteers and assists in planning and supervising their assignments.
- Provides for own professional growth through an ongoing program of reading, workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or advanced course work at institutions of higher learning.
- Works to establish and maintain open lines of communication with students and their parents, staR, and community.
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: As determined by the Rockcastle County Board of Education and the Kentucky Department of Education. (Normal school year is 185 days or 9 1/4 school months.)EVALUATION: This position will be evaluated in accordance with provisions as established within the policies of the Rockcastle County Board of Education.Salary Schedule: View salary schedule HERE.