Salary & BenefitsMEDICAL ASSISTING INSTRUCTOR Provide competency-based career entry instruction for high school students enrolled in the Medical Assistant program.RESPONSIBILITIES:
Work with the local healthcare industry including the program advisory committee, Skills Center administration, Skills Center staff, professional associations, and post-secondary institutions to develop and maintain integrated, relevant academic, employability, and technical student learning competencies for Medical Assistant and related certificates. Take primary responsibility for ensuring that the program curriculum and activities meet all WAC requirements for medical assistant certification. Stay current with technological and practical advances in the healthcare industry, and maintain proficiency in all areas included in the program curriculum. Develop and maintain industry-relevant curriculum units, and long-range and weekly lesson plans. Integrate and utilize current industry technology and practice throughout curriculum and teaching strategies. Develop and implement effective leadership and work-based learning opportunities for all students. Work as an effective member of the Skill Center team to evaluate, market, and improve the assigned program. Organize instructional programs to provide for individual student learning needs. Maintain appropriate and required student records. Communicate information about the Skill Center program to patrons and stakeholders. Communicate student assessment goals and progress to students, parents, and the student's home high school on a regular basis. Develop and maintain an effective program advisory committee. Fulfill other responsibilities as assigned by Skills Center administration. QUALIFICATIONS:
Must be currently licensed in Washington State (or retired) as RN, LPN, or Medical Assistant with a minimum of three years in a health care position as or related to Medical Assistant. Qualifies for a valid Washington State teaching certificate with appropriate endorsements as required by law and regulations: a. Holds continuing or is eligible for initial or probationary certification with an endorsement in the proposed professional-technical education assignment; b. Certifications, or eligibility for, verified by Human Resources and Skill Center Director. Demonstrates classroom management procedures that provide for individuals as well as large and small group instruction and encourages an environment conducive to learning. Uses appropriate disciplinary procedures, establishes clear parameters for student behavior, responds properly when problems occur and helps students toward self-discipline and behaviors appropriate for the workplace. Demonstrates ability to communicate clearly and effectively in both written and verbal form. Demonstrates flexibility in dealing with change, cooperation with others, and adapting to a variety of assignments and conditions. Assesses student needs and prescribes and implements effective instruction to meet those needs. Models professionalism, behavior, and attire appropriate to the broadcast industry. Sets and attains a high level of expectation for students using resources available. Develops favorable rapport with students by using appropriate listening, empathy, and work collaboration skills. Values and provides for individual and cultural differences including ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, and disabilities. Demonstrates the ability to learn new ideas and skills for solving problems; the possession of a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.6 is expected for academic course work completed. (Requirement may be waived if an inadequate pool of qualified applicants for the position exists.) Demonstrates awareness of and applies appropriate current educational strategies within the assigned program area. Demonstrates technology proficiencies consistent with district guidelines and integrates current technology into planning, learning, record keeping, and teaching activities. Demonstrates successful experience working with students. Demonstrates a desire to continue professional growth. Demonstrates ability to work effectively with business/community members including program area advisory committee. Demonstrates capability to establish, maintain, and integrate student leadership activities into classroom management and curriculum. Demonstrates ability to develop and maintain a work-site learning curriculum component for every student. The Moses Lake School District #161 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX, Civil Rights, Affirmative Action, and Equal Opportunity officer, Michelle Musso, 1620 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) ###-####,
[email protected]; OR Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Samantha Burgess, 1620 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) ### ####,
[email protected]