Employment Type : Full-Time
Generating new leads for potential new clients for account executive...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About Us: LegalShield is a leading provider of legal services, offering affordable and accessible legal protection to individuals and businesses across the United States. Our mission is to empower people to confidently handle legal issues with the...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Are you passionate about dogs and looking for a flexible, well-paying part-time job in Los Angeles, California? I am in search of a reliable and experienced pet sitter to take care of my beloved dogs while I am at work. This position involves...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Aflac is a Fortune 200 company that provides supplemental benefits to small businesses. Our Sales Associate meets with local business owners and executives to evaluate the benefit packages of the business, makes recommendations to improve the...
Employment Type : Full-Time
JOB DESCRIPTION: 1. Review leads provided by the company & identify opportunities with high potential. 2. Making contact with customer through phone/email. 3. Based upon information, preparation of quotes/proposal & followup towards...