Employment Type : Full-Time
Become a Safety Technician Apprentice – Earn While you Learn!At Amazon, we believe in empowering our people to innovate and create. Technology is our partner, but it's the passion and drive of our employees that truly powers us forward. That's why we invest in apprenticeship programs that nurture diverse talents and provide unparalleled growth opportunities.If you're a lifelong learner with a thirst for knowledge, this Safety Technician Apprenti...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Become a Safety Technician Apprentice – Earn While you Learn!At Amazon, we believe in empowering our people to innovate and create. Technology is our partner, but it's the passion and drive of our employees that truly powers us forward. That's why we invest in apprenticeship programs that nurture diverse talents and provide unparalleled growth opportunities.If you're a lifelong learner with a thirst for knowledge, this Safety Technician Apprenti...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Become a Safety Technician Apprentice – Earn While you Learn!At Amazon, we believe in empowering our people to innovate and create. Technology is our partner, but it's the passion and drive of our employees that truly powers us forward. That's why we invest in apprenticeship programs that nurture diverse talents and provide unparalleled growth opportunities.If you're a lifelong learner with a thirst for knowledge, this Safety Technician Apprenti...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Become a Safety Technician Apprentice – Earn While you Learn!At Amazon, we believe in empowering our people to innovate and create. Technology is our partner, but it's the passion and drive of our employees that truly powers us forward. That's why we invest in apprenticeship programs that nurture diverse talents and provide unparalleled growth opportunities.If you're a lifelong learner with a thirst for knowledge, this Safety Technician Apprenti...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Amazon's vision is to be Earth's most customer-centric company. The growth of our international business (countries outside the USA), combined with increasingly complex tax legislation resulted in a multitude of tax controllership requirements across various indirect tax domains, across all Amazon businesses. To effectively manage these complexities, Amazon commits to leveraging technology solutions and automation to streamline tax controllershi...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Amazon is seeking a Tax Manager to join our Global Tax Controversy Team with a focus on EMEA tax controversy matters, including transfer pricing and Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA) disputes, Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP), and tax litigation in connection with both corporate income tax and VAT issues. The right candidate for this role is someone who is comfortable operating in a dynamic environment, ready to roll up their sleeves and dive de...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Have you ever ordered a product on Amazon and when that box with the smiley arrived wondered about its journey till your doorstep? If so, the Amazon Logistics, Last Mile team is the right team for you. As Amazon constantly works to be the most customer-centric company on earth, a key element of customer experience is how we fulfill and deliver their orders. Amazon aims to exceed the expectations of our customers by ensuring that their orders, no...
Employment Type : Full-Time
We are seeking a Finance Manager to become a key member of the EMEA Accounting team, located in our London office. The role has responsibility for aspects of the controllership and accounting function in support of the EMEA operations. The accounting flows are operated in multiple legal entities with involvement of a number of stakeholders in different locations. This position will be focused on reporting results to the business and implementing...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Do you want to be part of a team that strives for the best customer experience?We are looking for an experienced Senior Technical Program Manager to help setup and deliver robust, structured reporting, analytics and models for the Air, Line-haul and Sortation transportation teams in Europe. You will be a key contributor to shaping our strategic innovation program by equipping the project teams with the insights and tools to drive the performance...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Security Engineer - 44k-48k Van or Car Great Benefits/ Courses For a good M25 based Security Service Engineer who has Integrated or IP/ IT based Electronic Security systems skills (CCTV, Access Control, Intruder, etc). Benefits for Integrated Security Engineer (CCTV Engineer, Access Engineer) BUPA Healthcare Electric Car or Van (Low Tax and No congestion charge, etc) 45k- 55k pa (Integrated Security or Networked Access Control&nb...