Employment Type : Full-Time
Job Description Be all you can be with Hamberley At Hamberley, we believe that our residents deserve something ‘Extra Special, Every Day’ and we're recruiting for a Clinical Lead to help us achieve our goals. Working with the Home Manager and Quality Assurance team, the Clinical Lead will be responsible for ensuring effective and safe clinical practice, monitor standards via audits and observations, review policies, implement action plans and pr...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As the Divisional Clinical Lead Nurse for Barchester's Hospitals and Complex Care division, you'll use your leadership skills to ensure the provision of the quality, person-centred care and support we're known for across the division. The role will cover 6 hospitals and 8 care homes across England. We'll look to you to supervise and motivate your national team, demonstrating confidence in a range of challenging environments. You w...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Divisional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents across Scotland and the North East of England. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of each home every month, you'll analyse the results and i...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Divisional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents across Scotland and the North East of England. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of each home every month, you'll analyse the results and i...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in eight of our care homes throughout Essex and Basingstoke. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of each home every month, you'll analyse the r...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in four of our care homes; one in each of the following locations, Braunton, Taunton, Torquay and Truro. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in four of our care homes; one in each of the following locations, Braunton, Taunton, Torquay and Truro. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in four of our care homes; one in each of the following locations, Braunton, Taunton, Torquay and Truro. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in four of our care homes; one in each of the following locations, Braunton, Taunton, Torquay and Truro. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of...
Employment Type : Full-Time
ABOUT THE ROLE As a Regional Clinical Development Nurse at Barchester, you'll lead, support and continuously improve the clinical governance and quality of care for residents in four of our care homes; one in each of the following locations, Braunton, Taunton, Torquay and Truro. You'll be expected to support the performance of each home ensuring it performs to the highest clinical standards. Reviewing the clinical governance database and KPIs of...