Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: You’ll be joining a small team of between 4 – 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to delivering a great customer experience You'll be working up to 45 hours per week You’ll be explaining technical equipment in an understandable manner You’ll be committed to offering honest advice and building a rapport with customers You’ll ensure that you exceed our customers’ expectations and reassure them when they're b...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: You’ll be joining a small team of between 4 – 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to delivering a great customer experience You'll be working up to 45 hours per week You’ll be explaining technical equipment in an understandable manner You’ll be committed to offering honest advice and building a rapport with customers You’ll ensure that you exceed our customers’ expectations and reassure them when they're b...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: You’ll be joining a small team of between 4 – 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to delivering a great customer experience You'll be working up to 45 hours per week You’ll be explaining technical equipment in an understandable manner You’ll be committed to offering honest advice and building a rapport with customers You’ll ensure that you exceed our customers’ expectations and reassure them when they're b...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: You’ll be responsible for the day to day management of the store. You’ll be leading from the front, managing a small team of between 4 - 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to motivating your team to deliver a great customer experience as well as achieving challenging sales targets You’ll be committed to offering honest advice and building a rapport with customers, exceeding their expectations and reassuri...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: Working with the Store Manager, you’ll share joint responsibility for the day to day running of the store You’ll be leading by example, co-managing a small team of between 4 - 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to motivating your team to deliver a great customer experience as well as achieving challenging sales targets With a commitment to offering honest advice, you will build rapport with customers, exc...
Employment Type : Full-Time
About The Role What you’ll be doing: Working with the Store Manager, you’ll share joint responsibility for the day to day running of the store You’ll be leading by example, co-managing a small team of between 4 - 6 members of staff You’ll be committed to motivating your team to deliver a great customer experience as well as achieving challenging sales targets With a commitment to offering honest advice, you will build rapport with customers, exc...